Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Triangle Coffee Table

something must be done

Javier Jaramillo Frika Forbidden to Forbid

Is there way to deny it? Excelsior note signed by Leticia Robles de la Rosa, reflects part of the reality of our state. Fact: the violence that has been locked in an industry where fit together, the inevitable loss of innocent lives (Mrs. Terroba of Painted Lemons, Mr. Ignacio Aguilar at Altitude) and the daily life of a society that refuses to be trapped not only by the minor sector, outrageous, dangerous and devastating that organized crime is, unfortunately, with branches in this land.

is worth an exercise in the immediate circle of every citizen to know who, how and when can the reason have had a painful event, those who have or call executions. Morelos spider the first sites of violence as we see, hear and see on the news everyday. Is it our reality? Well better do all, some, because the responsibility is shared in the solution even if the origin belongs to blame authorities in recent years, precisely when the drug is installed in this area and never left.

The newspaper's information capital involves three senators, two of them with respect in Morelos: Rosario Green who studied high school in Cuernavaca and Graco Ramirez Garrido Abreu, Tabasco birth 25 years ago currently residing in the capital, with a history of four decades in politics easily activated in Morelos. The other is the PAN. Please join us to read a passage:

CUERNAVACA LOSES SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS FOR VIOLENCE, EXCELSIOR, LETICIA ROBLES DE LA ROSA .- In only four months, the impact of organized crime in cities like Cuernavaca, Morelos, one of the most important tourist centers of Mexico, caused serious economic losses national universities, for about seven million dollars as well as severe damage to the tourism image, by the constant removal of foreign students, mainly from the U.S.. So provides an analysis of the senators Rosario Green, the PRI, Luis Coppola Joffroy, Graco Ramírez PAN and the PRD, who have waged a struggle for the Department of State United States remove the travel warning issued in Last September one of the major tourist cities in Mexico. "These travel advisories have made American universities linked to the English schools decide to suspend its programs and educational exchanges with Cuernavaca, undermining the positive image projected by the city outside and the local economy. "It is estimated that student enrollment has fallen 60% so far this year and as a result tourism has diminished. "Until 2008, the economic benefit of educational tourism product Cuernavaca was around $ 12 million annually, with over ten thousand students per cycle," says the analysis of the senators.

Thus, federal lawmakers point out that the drop in enrollment has generated millions in losses to Cuernavaca, which in November reported the existence of one of the assassins younger, known as The PONCHISE, 14, whose legal implications came to California, United States, where his mom. Based on the senators' own information, the estimate is that ten thousand foreign students were in Cuernavaca, there's only four thousand words, six thousand resigned to continue his studies in that city, which has had a adverse impact of at least seven million 200 thousand dollars of losses in economic benefit. Rosario Green, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Luis Coppola, president of the Tourism Commission and Graco Ramírez, a senator from Morelos, along with Sergio Álvarez Mata, who incidentally fue secretario de Gobierno de la entidad, recuerdan que desde hace décadas Cuernavaca se ha distinguido por la calidad y cantidad de los centros de enseñanza de la lengua española. “Por las escuelas de la ciudad han pasado miles de estudiantes de diversas nacionalidades, predominantemente ciudadanos de Estados Unidos y de Canadá; convirtiendo a esta urbe en la segunda en importancia a nivel mundial, en la enseñanza de nuestra lengua, sólo después de Salamanca, en España. “Las alertas de viaje decretadas por el Departamento de Estado de EU... representan una seria afectación al sector turístico en su apartado educativo y su producto económico”, señalan.

Military and Federal

Restless the transport sector, especially taxi drivers, because the Mexican Army and federal police vehicles to conduct inspections in search of reported theft. There is no official report, but say it is worth it to note that while the feds are viewed with respect in these and other times, it must apply to everyone. We receive emails and phone calls from union leaders who consider carrier has embarked on a hunt.

will have to be vigilant that no abuses of the other party or because the vehicle theft Needless to say, had a scandalous increase.

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