Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Triangle Coffee Table

something must be done

Javier Jaramillo Frika Forbidden to Forbid

Is there way to deny it? Excelsior note signed by Leticia Robles de la Rosa, reflects part of the reality of our state. Fact: the violence that has been locked in an industry where fit together, the inevitable loss of innocent lives (Mrs. Terroba of Painted Lemons, Mr. Ignacio Aguilar at Altitude) and the daily life of a society that refuses to be trapped not only by the minor sector, outrageous, dangerous and devastating that organized crime is, unfortunately, with branches in this land.

is worth an exercise in the immediate circle of every citizen to know who, how and when can the reason have had a painful event, those who have or call executions. Morelos spider the first sites of violence as we see, hear and see on the news everyday. Is it our reality? Well better do all, some, because the responsibility is shared in the solution even if the origin belongs to blame authorities in recent years, precisely when the drug is installed in this area and never left.

The newspaper's information capital involves three senators, two of them with respect in Morelos: Rosario Green who studied high school in Cuernavaca and Graco Ramirez Garrido Abreu, Tabasco birth 25 years ago currently residing in the capital, with a history of four decades in politics easily activated in Morelos. The other is the PAN. Please join us to read a passage:

CUERNAVACA LOSES SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS FOR VIOLENCE, EXCELSIOR, LETICIA ROBLES DE LA ROSA .- In only four months, the impact of organized crime in cities like Cuernavaca, Morelos, one of the most important tourist centers of Mexico, caused serious economic losses national universities, for about seven million dollars as well as severe damage to the tourism image, by the constant removal of foreign students, mainly from the U.S.. So provides an analysis of the senators Rosario Green, the PRI, Luis Coppola Joffroy, Graco Ramírez PAN and the PRD, who have waged a struggle for the Department of State United States remove the travel warning issued in Last September one of the major tourist cities in Mexico. "These travel advisories have made American universities linked to the English schools decide to suspend its programs and educational exchanges with Cuernavaca, undermining the positive image projected by the city outside and the local economy. "It is estimated that student enrollment has fallen 60% so far this year and as a result tourism has diminished. "Until 2008, the economic benefit of educational tourism product Cuernavaca was around $ 12 million annually, with over ten thousand students per cycle," says the analysis of the senators.

Thus, federal lawmakers point out that the drop in enrollment has generated millions in losses to Cuernavaca, which in November reported the existence of one of the assassins younger, known as The PONCHISE, 14, whose legal implications came to California, United States, where his mom. Based on the senators' own information, the estimate is that ten thousand foreign students were in Cuernavaca, there's only four thousand words, six thousand resigned to continue his studies in that city, which has had a adverse impact of at least seven million 200 thousand dollars of losses in economic benefit. Rosario Green, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Luis Coppola, president of the Tourism Commission and Graco Ramírez, a senator from Morelos, along with Sergio Álvarez Mata, who incidentally fue secretario de Gobierno de la entidad, recuerdan que desde hace décadas Cuernavaca se ha distinguido por la calidad y cantidad de los centros de enseñanza de la lengua española. “Por las escuelas de la ciudad han pasado miles de estudiantes de diversas nacionalidades, predominantemente ciudadanos de Estados Unidos y de Canadá; convirtiendo a esta urbe en la segunda en importancia a nivel mundial, en la enseñanza de nuestra lengua, sólo después de Salamanca, en España. “Las alertas de viaje decretadas por el Departamento de Estado de EU... representan una seria afectación al sector turístico en su apartado educativo y su producto económico”, señalan.

Military and Federal

Restless the transport sector, especially taxi drivers, because the Mexican Army and federal police vehicles to conduct inspections in search of reported theft. There is no official report, but say it is worth it to note that while the feds are viewed with respect in these and other times, it must apply to everyone. We receive emails and phone calls from union leaders who consider carrier has embarked on a hunt.

will have to be vigilant that no abuses of the other party or because the vehicle theft Needless to say, had a scandalous increase.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Odor Of The Penis Mean Diabetes

¡¡¡¡¡ Many Mother!! Pipeline

Frika Javier Jaramillo
Forbidden to Forbid

The Chief lost the sparkle enigmatic in his eyes, hard and tender, so you, years ago when they began to win the game's most beloved. Six years ago this December 22, 2004, went to his appointment with the intense part of his loves, past the Peace Park. The doctors who were in the general hospital "José G. Parres "after the family doctor," Saint "Juan Manuel Zurita Gatica clear and accurate, said that little had to be done. They did not understand at the hospital because they did not issue the cries of pain that characterize this kind of gastric infarction was the drop that spilled the cup filled by a person, great human being, who for years wanted to be somewhere else less life. Locked physical pain, the two sisters, the true warrior who cared for his last years, months and days were fine, with the influence of calm in the face as historically intense. We knew that there was no way to retain it, but it was clear that he hoped the time of the move to where wanted. I was at peace and he was leaving. Not the natural pattern that was his trademark, clear and uncompromising. No, ready to hang pots, pans, the metate and nixtamal, ingredients that marked its life that allowed him to forge a very numerous family and to bequeath to each of their children two essential conditions: where and how to live.

Yes, today is special day that the columnist abused his gentle, kind, endured readers, because we're not involved in the grounds of public events. Recently, just a month, on November 22, Clan Chief Jaramillo met 25-year absence. Show a photo with your friends and the great Cuban Jose Antonio Mendez in La Fonda family. Today we try to send another graphic, 1954, would be the month of May-June, where the young couple, in expectation of the second child born on 12 October of that year, neither more nor less than a server. Little progress in technology, ultrasound or anything, but we invite to see the belly of the 20 year old, Frika Angela Lozano, "La Guera", for there appears, just do not know if it was boy or girl, car or truck or if he would go or come in life. An enigma.

When we started to be less made the commitment to himself that he writes to avoid forgetting we snatch her memory, along with the physics we want. This maximum applies Yucatecan poet and composer Sergio Esquivel, talented and sensitive Mexican and best friend, that "Nobody is going at all." There are, in the eyes of Jara equal to those of Jose Alfredo, the son of the younger brunette Carmela, or the look of "La Guera" that several of his grandchildren will inherit, as the smallest of all, that lie near here. How is going? For days the threat-referral of sisters, brothers, family friends and even some contemporary Angela: "Do not forget, 22 years is to meet those The Chief." Indeed, Don Juan Jaramillo Ortiz, the greatest Stephen "The Pitec" bohemian player and the fourth order José Alfredo "El Tatis' Gladiator bohemian streets. All together, as in the meetings without time or date on the calendar, say the Venezuelan-to Caballo Viejo celebrated with food, lots and a "hit" by this and everyone was always more cheerful and unforgettable guitar as good as Adolfo Lugo Knight "The Egg", Jorge Núñez Suástegui "The Ney" and Michael Woods "The Hungarian" or " Old Mike ", this trio will also play there, in the bearings terrenote CHIPITLAN.

"La Guera" Tlaltizapan accidentally born on 20 August 1934, in a famous crossing of the population called "Y", where his father Giorgios Frika Poulos stopped at the agricultural conference the entity that performed from Atlacomulco to Tlaquiltenango, where he associated with rural producers in the planting of improved tomato that brought Morelos. A "La Guera" the record two or three days later in Jiutepec and starting two years after his father north of the country and not to accompany her grandmother lives in Cuernavaca, in the heart.

At five years, in 1939, settled in the vicinity of El Amate in Zarco and your inn right on the back of the church in Clavijero Barren (few months ago wanted to invite the Reynaldos Carlos Estrada to confirm that the nails are still there where pots and pans hung from business since 1938 that installed Mrs. Carmen Lozano Estudillo, born on January 3, 1903 in Tlaquiltenango. We saw them, touch them and invite who like to try it. These skewers are part of Cuernavaca). Of the mother, Angela root goes back to the eighteenth century which is south of the entity. Her maternal grandmother was Beatrice Estudillo Ingelmo, born in Amacuzac, the paternal grandmother Dona Juanita Neri of St. Nicholas in Zacatepec, mother of Colonel Augustine Lozano Zapatista Neri, born in Jojutla.

seal of origin, now must be sustained and one way is honoring our departed are kept on the premises. Right now, for example, The Chief we have here, with his unmistakable voice, loud, bombastic words normally, but a heart and a commitment to his land and his people that has us proud. Clear: Much was Mother!

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Maternity Police Uniforms

Javier Jaramillo Frika
Forbidden to Forbid

The tragedy of San Martín Texmelucan, Puebla, which killed over 30 people and has hospitalized more than fifty - five of them critical condition - is another reminder to cities like Cuernavaca whose consecutive anarchy 40 years ago has allowed to build houses on or near the Pemex fuel products. We talked to five or ten colonies of the city are built on such products from the north to the popular City Flores Magon and Chapultepec.

ghrave is an issue, it neighbors have expressed themselves and usually starts and ends at the same point the debate: who came first, whether the state-owned facilities or population. The issue is that they are both and do not know the local society if the products work by bringing fuel from Mexico City or do so through other means. Is this a joint effort, which should lead the direction of the state Civil Protection Basiliso Miranda and Cuernavaca.

The issue of civil protection, essential in a society like ours, has not been properly addressed. For example, the former mayor of Xochitepec reached this position by the PRD and convert in PAN is in the state office-we do not believe we know to be an expert, as a result of their affiliation with the party in power. But the high responsibility has nothing to do any extra for a friend or partner, but must be qualified personnel.

Basiliso and company will have to read the Civil Protection Act provides for prosecution of officials who fail to take necessary precautions and measures. Not be amiss to request support for the federal authorities and inspection areas at risk. In San Martín one of the lines of investigation lead to the theft of fuel by private individuals. The images show that the loss occurs in the middle of urban areas, as found here in Cuernavaca and safe in a number of cities. The shot then, that what is at stake is life.

freed Diego

A media orientation will know what the release of controversial politician Diego Fernandez de Cevallos after seven months in captivity. It says the payment was $ 30 million, an amount that scares every Mexican except a hundred that have it. Felony, pure challenge, from whom they were led to controversial former federal deputy and former senator National Action Party, which was their candidate for president in 1994.

A somewhat removed from actual power, it might seem that differences in the very Pines, hijacking of Diego Fernandez and the long period captured by professional people (no amateur kidnappers imagine that lasting and recovery planning billionaire), may have different management from the removal of the political spotlight Queretaro to speculation of his supporters as a strategy to improve its damaged political status and low current acceptance rate. To do this, it should permit Diego and be part of the PAN 2012.

With Moreira

Almost dancer Humberto Moreira Valdez is the successor of Beatriz Paredes Rangel and thus defines the succession to the PRI path to the nomination of the president. Who then installs it is still Mexico state governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, virtual nominated for election July 12.

Morelos PRI's meeting in Temixco-spoken 10-thousand-served for the mayor of Cuernavaca, Manuel Martínez Garrigós, and generally reiterated the sentiments of his fellow match for Coahuila. At other times it was called the "charged" to what is now defined as "consensus." In addition, the PRI state president, loved Orihuela Trejo shows his ability to call and validates the primary election because he won the duo that took 10 years to the PRI to the bottom, with escafaldrana and tubes without oxygen.

not see where to the adverse party can beat the PRI in the next fair. They say that robbing. We believe that no way. Seriously. Lo de Moreira Valdez is in less than a month. And that's where real p'al.

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Can Condoms Break From Being To Big?

The reconstruction will be based PRI



The anointing of Samuel Victor Palma Caesar, as state leader of the popular sector of the PRI in Morelos, marks the start of the reconstruction of tricolor in the state but also places the CNOP as the starter motor and drive, the organization of that party towards the elections of 2012, when renewed powers in Morelos and nationally.

After a year in which the PRI and its sectors adrift, following the delay of the call to renew the state leadership, accommodations were made, which obviously did not work. Patricia was placed in front of Benhumea Etlon popular sector. He tried to organize, energize tried cenopista structure in the state, but that was it.

However, given the need to oil the PRI electoral machine and build a solid scaffold to hold the position of privilege is called the tricolor in 2012, the national committee CNOP where firm as a leader Emilio Gamboa Patron, decided to send as a leader in Morelos, the politician-politician, Victor Samuel Palma Cesar.

In this designation, as he himself acknowledged Caesar Palma, influenced the PRI proposal Morelos better positioned in the national political arena: federal deputy Francisco Alejandro Moreno Merino, organizing secretary of the National Confederation Popular Organizations who, incidentally, played a leading role in the implementation of the Summit on Climate Change, which recently concluded in Cancun.

Patricia Elton output of the state leadership of the working class, can be seen as the twisty Moreno Merino, the quick and intense personal desmarcaje dissemination of denials on the part of the now former head of the local CNOP on the alleged support offered by the federal legislature to cenopismo Morelos, in its aspiration to become a candidate for governor. Not so. The decision Relva with César Palma, responds to a political demand of the moment itself.

Samuel Palma Cesar is a politician curdled. No one disputes his talent. Relations in the political center of the country, all the known Morelos. Just as recognition of their formation and significance in the national political arena is that Emilio Gamboa Patron endorsed the proposal of Rep. Alejandro Moreno Merino, placing it in front of the popular sector in Morelos.

From there, in addition to regroup and energize the membership cenopista Morelos, I have no doubts that will begin to weave a nomination for state government: that of Francisco Alejandro Moreno Merino, who is clear that he understands that as a statesman and politician said the French, Napoleon Bonaparte, the power comes from above, but is held down.

The anointing of Samuel Victor Palma Cesar, as leader of the Confederation of Popular Organizations, Chapter Morelos is also the opportunity to harness all the energy and enthusiasm, many of Morelos, who spent this list to beside him in the past the process of renewing state leadership of the tricolor, as contended in search of the position he now holds the local deputy José Amado Orihuela Trejo.

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Off White Pages Comics

CNOP Guerrero, Aguirre and AMLO

Javier Jaramillo Frika
Forbidden to Forbid

Important for a large number of neighbors of Morelos what happens in the neighboring state of Guerrero, the influence of Guerrero have is strong, so what we will deliver this time information is a knowledgeable and always active, political, social activist and founder of the Democratic Revolution Party, Juan Ignacio Suarez Huape, which enters the electoral issue surrounding the beautiful state as intensely as the violence of organized crime.

Nacho Here's reflections:

La Parota, the gate between Lopez Obrador and Aguirre Rivero.

Juan Ignacio Suarez Huape

On Sunday December 18th people's congress was scheduled to be held in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, where the movement ye that would support public to Mr. Angel Aguirre Rivero, candidate of the coalition led by the PRD to the governorship of the state.

In the expriista public act would boost its commitment to the 10 points required by the assembly Obrador:

The first is the urgent fight poverty in Guerrero, as the state greater degree of malnutrition in the country, which should apply an emergency program to eradicate hunger and guarantee the constitutional right to food.

The second is protecting and supporting day laborers agricultural fields in different regions of the country through a program of care to accompany traveling with their families and provide them with legal advice labor supply in labor camps, children's education and medical care and free medications.

The third is that, as in the Federal District, to rise into law the right to universal pension for the elderly in 68 years.

The fourth commitment is to ensure medical care and free medicine to peasants, workers, students, vendors, and other members informal sectors that do not have social security.

Another point is to implement a program of construction, extension and improvement of housing in urban and rural areas. The seventh is to create an emergency program of urban development to provide public services to the neighborhoods of Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Iguala, and other municipalities (such as the introduction of potable water, drainage, paving, street lighting, schools, colleges, universities, health centers, hospitals, kindergartens, sports).

The eighth is to promote creación de fuentes de trabajo, para lo cual en cada uno de los 81 municipios del estado, debe existir un fondo para el fomento económico y la creación de empleos.

El compromiso número nueve, es que el gobierno otorgue a productores del campo créditos a la palabra, sin intereses, para la construcción de invernaderos, para la obtención de implementos agrícolas y para adquirir chivos, cerdos, bovinos, colmenas y aves de corral.

Además, garantizar la integridad de los defensores del medio ambiente y de los recursos naturales, y en ese punto dijo que debe promoverse la cancelación definitiva del proyecto La Parota dam, "which in no way benefits the people and is merely a business for entrepreneurs and corrupt politicians."

The tenth commitment is to pave the access roads to the municipalities of Tlacoapa, and Iliatenco Coahuayutla while improving the dirt roads to ejidos and communities.

However, Guerrero representative of the Movement in Defense of Popular Economy, Oil and National Sovereignty, César Núñez Ramos, said was "postponed" the meeting between Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the candidate governor Angel Aguirre Rivero, who had been scheduled for Sunday 18.

The issue that has jeopardized Aguirre Rivero is on the construction of the dam the Parota. These are the main challenges to the project outlined by Priscilla Rodriguez, the Mexican Center for Environmental Law:

"terribly affected the ecosystem, the major watershed of the Papagayo and its negative impact on water supply Acapulco city and rural communities that depend on the aquifer.

A forest cover consisting of 17 000 hectares of low and medium deciduous forest to be flooded (excluding coverage for displaced farmers cleared the sites where they will build their new homes).

to the hundreds of species of flora and fauna threatened and endangered species whose habitat would be destroyed.

Al-founded risk of induction of an earthquake up to 8 degrees on the Richter scale reservoir to be located in a highly seismic zone.

The issue of greenhouse gases produced by the stagnation of water impact on global warming.

And, of course, the damage on the proposed life of thousands of families who would be displaced and unable to continue with community life that had always enjoyed, with the resulting grievances to their right to self-determination , land, housing, health, development, environment and everything a man wants and is entitled "

Aguirre Rivero prefers to continue with the project Parota will to see that they say affected farmers, who say the workers of Guerrero.

Aguirre I think will win the election, but may not impose Parota project, still decided to impose through blood and fire.

Aguirre is a politician linked to the interests of the oligarchy, has been all his life, a simple change of shirt does not change his convictions. A new lurks Guerrero Zeferino, which saddened by the legacy of struggle of this valiant people and rebellious.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Should I Get Dirt Bike Or Cell Phone


Why is men's sexuality? For what is basically phallocratic and phallocentric? What has happened to women?

There was a time when women could express their wishes to express its libido without fear of being censored by society, there was the possession of individuals, or what limits or coercion at the time of expressing sexual desire for someone else . In the 6,500 and 3,500 BC in the so-called Old Europe, the uterus was that whose heartbeat signifies life, something analogous to what our symbolic world means the heart: love and life. The women were aware of the power of giving pleasure through the contractions of your uterus, they knew the true origin of the female orgasm is in the cervix, not only in the vagina or clitoris.

But it appears their Christian spiritual by patriarchal society and tells us that sin entered the world by women, and speaks of an apple that we should not eat and a snake and the expulsion from paradise ... .... And with all that comes the castration of women ... .. and the uterus are only remembered at the time of fertilization and then become dead muscles, stiff atrophied not to be used

Since then teach us to be "decent" not to be confused with prostitutes, it is wrong to provoke the men lust prove even worse, everything that has to do is tinged with sexual reserved for the world of the couple and best not talk about it because it's not even good taste .... What actually happens to the real libido and desire for women? The desire is repressed, sublimated into romantic and spiritual love, manipulated and finally, what remains after all this decomposition, focuses on the phallus, leaving a trail of psychosomatic illnesses that prove the failure of self-regulation of life: birth trauma, hysteria, depression, lack of milk, menstrual cramps, etc.. Three things

prove unequivocally that our sentimental, even though Cupid, Valentine, etc. etc. is an emotional desert: 1) The existential angst that is our skeleton psychological and accompanying us during our lives more or less deep levels, and therefore comes out when things go wrong (the famous 'depression') . This is due to the following: the company no longer recognizes and accepts human creatures as being producers of desires, and that means that from birth our existence is questioned by society. Although we do not say so, know it or not, our unconscious does know that the denial of our desires is the negation of life. This is not 'civilization', this is a question of our existence that produces anxiety and fear that larvae within us and come to the surface under the circumstances. 2) The insatiability in possessiveness, the desire has been transformed into a fear and lack, and this fear, in turn, eager to have at his position. We have entered the realm of the couple trying to compensate for the lack and loneliness with the possession, 3) And finally, we have the appearance of the pet, the 'pet', with all their industry, such as comfort and trivial compensation the desert, the more widespread the more developed societies are patriarchal and more individualized and more loneliness.

is clear that in this desert, the couple, or the illusion of the couple, is the oasis, real or virtual, the lesser evil. As it is for the child in the orphanage well established that a family adopts it.

"Of all sexual aberrations, perhaps the most peculiar is chastity " Reny
Gourmont image obtained from

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Can I Soften Up My Leather Jacket

Theodore Congratulations! Better to smile

Congratulations many heart! Hope you have a day filled with good moments and hugs as warm as your gift. Hopefully get a chance to cum to Madrid to celebrate together one year. Do not change, so are perfect.

thousand kisses for my birthday

"Ultimately, what matters is not the years of life but the lives of the years"
Abraham Lincoln