Saturday, October 23, 2010

Citing A Quote From A Reading

I started with the new course of law, truth note? I have little time to read your blogs and update mine. It crossed my mind to do a kit-kat in the blogger world but I quickly dismissed jajajja and I'm very gustito between you and I will not lose contact. When I was distraught with the law, stop by here is a balm. Should now be doing a job I have to deliver on Monday instead of writing this ..... peeeeeero one side wanted to inform you of my lack of time and another wanted refuge for a while between your words, cooing in your comments.

Sometimes this time of night, you feel very alone at the computer, try to fill the data head a few times, try to distract other photos of landscapes hanging in a page of photographs, but most nights all this is not enough .... loneliness comes to sit beside me, looks at me and smiling like two old friends ....

And when that happens I come here running, looking for your company, to take refuge in your words cooing with the warmth of your comments ....

"The beauty of the surroundings, in large part be a reflection of what we know of our interior design"

Silver Photography

Friday, October 15, 2010

Spat On In Film - Titanic


Yesterday I started the classes that are considered dance world's most sensual, belly dancing. I chose this dance because it seemed a good way to connect the body and mind. I do pilates three times a week to keep fit my body, before it combined with yoga to keep my mind as I have now decided to change the yoga and belly dancing.

At the dawn of humanity women were started in the caves to the knowledge of the Great Mother Goddess, the mysteries related to birth, natural medicine, earth, spirituality ... Women fascinated with the heat of the fire danced in ecstasy to the drum by imitating the play of flames

Throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages many dances were perceived as a celebration of female freedom. The belly takes prestige as the center of the person and the continent of spirituality.

is considered an art. For the Egyptians is the deepest expression of understanding of the world were female and there is nothing better to express the feminine universe that belly dancing, strutting their undulating hips, pelvis and chest. The dancer from the temples of ancient Egypt using sexual energy but not to dance "sexy" and squander it but to use that energy as possible consciously trying to get back to its origins with the ancient techniques that can be found.

dance with barefoot, because through them connect with Mother Earth, take fudamento, rooting your actions, thoughts, emotions and desires. Power dance deep sensuality that takes root in our energy body and femininity.

I loved the first class. I'm glad I gave a couple of hours a week to learn this dance. We will continue cotando ...

"The art of dance is to let the body and mind to marry music"

image obtained of

Monday, October 4, 2010

Old School Game- Notary

do not compare

I passed all the effort that you put the world at something you do well and yet there is always something that makes you shake it??

What to do when there is one person in your life they want and do not want to lose a lot but accumulates each mismatch? do not forget, that does not resolve these conflicts inside? a person who is worthwhile and it is very important for you

What to do when you throw your giving all the love inside you, when you try to look after and pamper you to make you feel special and unique and he decides to stay with the bad times, but then you give away all the love in the world? Hard

truth? Whether you have been good times and bad 100 10, eventually weighing the bad. It's like when you examine it, if you hit 1 point, if you fail -3.

I talk to him, try to understand him, asked if she happens to other people. I say no, just missed me accumulates. I'm sad, my heart shrinks, it seems unfair, I rebel ..... he says: "But do you have to compare with the rest??" Ok. I am holding my candle, others may fail, not me or I may run the risk that I put a -3 or worse, it will accumulate inside. Do not compare Silver, do not compare ..... Today I will put a

reflection taken from the blog of someone I miss you and I hope you recover completely soon, I admired Steve, I dedicate the star of this post.

"My love is not perfect, is not what you deserve, but that's all I have"