Monday, December 20, 2010

Off White Pages Comics

CNOP Guerrero, Aguirre and AMLO

Javier Jaramillo Frika
Forbidden to Forbid

Important for a large number of neighbors of Morelos what happens in the neighboring state of Guerrero, the influence of Guerrero have is strong, so what we will deliver this time information is a knowledgeable and always active, political, social activist and founder of the Democratic Revolution Party, Juan Ignacio Suarez Huape, which enters the electoral issue surrounding the beautiful state as intensely as the violence of organized crime.

Nacho Here's reflections:

La Parota, the gate between Lopez Obrador and Aguirre Rivero.

Juan Ignacio Suarez Huape

On Sunday December 18th people's congress was scheduled to be held in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, where the movement ye that would support public to Mr. Angel Aguirre Rivero, candidate of the coalition led by the PRD to the governorship of the state.

In the expriista public act would boost its commitment to the 10 points required by the assembly Obrador:

The first is the urgent fight poverty in Guerrero, as the state greater degree of malnutrition in the country, which should apply an emergency program to eradicate hunger and guarantee the constitutional right to food.

The second is protecting and supporting day laborers agricultural fields in different regions of the country through a program of care to accompany traveling with their families and provide them with legal advice labor supply in labor camps, children's education and medical care and free medications.

The third is that, as in the Federal District, to rise into law the right to universal pension for the elderly in 68 years.

The fourth commitment is to ensure medical care and free medicine to peasants, workers, students, vendors, and other members informal sectors that do not have social security.

Another point is to implement a program of construction, extension and improvement of housing in urban and rural areas. The seventh is to create an emergency program of urban development to provide public services to the neighborhoods of Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Iguala, and other municipalities (such as the introduction of potable water, drainage, paving, street lighting, schools, colleges, universities, health centers, hospitals, kindergartens, sports).

The eighth is to promote creación de fuentes de trabajo, para lo cual en cada uno de los 81 municipios del estado, debe existir un fondo para el fomento económico y la creación de empleos.

El compromiso número nueve, es que el gobierno otorgue a productores del campo créditos a la palabra, sin intereses, para la construcción de invernaderos, para la obtención de implementos agrícolas y para adquirir chivos, cerdos, bovinos, colmenas y aves de corral.

Además, garantizar la integridad de los defensores del medio ambiente y de los recursos naturales, y en ese punto dijo que debe promoverse la cancelación definitiva del proyecto La Parota dam, "which in no way benefits the people and is merely a business for entrepreneurs and corrupt politicians."

The tenth commitment is to pave the access roads to the municipalities of Tlacoapa, and Iliatenco Coahuayutla while improving the dirt roads to ejidos and communities.

However, Guerrero representative of the Movement in Defense of Popular Economy, Oil and National Sovereignty, César Núñez Ramos, said was "postponed" the meeting between Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the candidate governor Angel Aguirre Rivero, who had been scheduled for Sunday 18.

The issue that has jeopardized Aguirre Rivero is on the construction of the dam the Parota. These are the main challenges to the project outlined by Priscilla Rodriguez, the Mexican Center for Environmental Law:

"terribly affected the ecosystem, the major watershed of the Papagayo and its negative impact on water supply Acapulco city and rural communities that depend on the aquifer.

A forest cover consisting of 17 000 hectares of low and medium deciduous forest to be flooded (excluding coverage for displaced farmers cleared the sites where they will build their new homes).

to the hundreds of species of flora and fauna threatened and endangered species whose habitat would be destroyed.

Al-founded risk of induction of an earthquake up to 8 degrees on the Richter scale reservoir to be located in a highly seismic zone.

The issue of greenhouse gases produced by the stagnation of water impact on global warming.

And, of course, the damage on the proposed life of thousands of families who would be displaced and unable to continue with community life that had always enjoyed, with the resulting grievances to their right to self-determination , land, housing, health, development, environment and everything a man wants and is entitled "

Aguirre Rivero prefers to continue with the project Parota will to see that they say affected farmers, who say the workers of Guerrero.

Aguirre I think will win the election, but may not impose Parota project, still decided to impose through blood and fire.

Aguirre is a politician linked to the interests of the oligarchy, has been all his life, a simple change of shirt does not change his convictions. A new lurks Guerrero Zeferino, which saddened by the legacy of struggle of this valiant people and rebellious.

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