Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tanning With Scram Bracelet On

Tutti Frutti

The night was clear of clouds, only punctuated by thousands of stars, the temperature was nice and the perfume of jasmine and orange blossoms fill the air. A Luna liked the night like that, was amusing herself in the sea is calm and peaceful ways to make playing in the water with its flames lit trails, collecting the wishes of lovers ...

That night the moon had a mission, searching for a dreamer to lend their assistance. Insistently sought to be immersed in his last work, a small fishing village of whales French Coast. I had to finish the book he was writing, the deadlines were met and there was still one chapter, the prologue and conclusions ... the time was up. Tired and stressed, he was out of power despite being aware of his excellent work.

Moon looked out her window and looked at him tenderly, his frown indicated that their effort was not being as productive as he expected. Felt the need to stroke, protect you, help you in your work and let a soft flare to reach him, they should not bother to not divert their attention.

Le impregnated with its light, its sparkle were delicate touches that inspired him, little by little his brow was smooth, fast fingers glided across the keyboard and his work at last flowed. The room was filled with all kinds of letters forming words that quickly ordered in perfect harmony to see their work finished.

morfeo welcomed him at dawn rocked by the moonlight, as she watched him with tenderness, night guardian of its secrets ... ..

"In the majestic whole of creation, there is nothing that touches me so deeply, that caress my spirit and my fantasy unusual flight as gentle and faint light of the moon"
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Monday, May 16, 2011

Saved Data Utility Minis

The utopian free speech advocate

Protesting the murder of Valentin Valdez of Saltillo.

few days ago, on 3 May to be precise, was held on World Day for Press Freedom (also the day of the Cross, called by some the day of Mason). However, in Mexico and in many countries this concept has not been more than a utopia. This and the murder of journalist's son Javier Sicilia made me think of all the journalists who have been killed in recent years.

few months ago I received information on these issues and that made me investigate further. In this way, I discovered that there is a Committee to Protect Journalists (http://www.cpj.org ), which is dedicated to defending the people of the profession around the world. On their website I discovered that the presidency of Felipe Calderon has been the most journalists killed in recent decades.

So far in 2011 there has been 1 murder this year and show more negative balance of the Calderon were the 2009 and 2010 with 15 victims each. Then the figures for each year of the "President of Employment:

2006: 1 journalist
2007: 7 journalists
2008: 11 journalists
2009: 15 journalists
2010: 15 journalists
2011: 1 journalist
sexenio Total: 50 journalists killed
These figures are taken from a study completed in September 2010 by Professor Remberto Hernández Padilla, so the number of the year could be higher, the 2011 data was taken from the CPJ website.
In 2010 Mexico was the fourth highest number of deaths of journalists, only behind Pakistan, Iraq and Honduras. In Morelos since 1991 have been killed following journalists
CAMPOS ALEJANDRO MORENO (+ 1991). Diario de Morelos reporter.

DORANTES JORGE MARTÍN. (+ Monday June 6, 1994). Ran the weekly "cruise." He was critical of state government officials, especially with the governor, general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. He was assassinated in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

TORRES ENRIQUE PERALTA. (+ Wednesday July 6, 1994). He was a reporter for the newspaper "La Union de Morelos." Since that means criticizing the "mismanagement" of the governor general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. Was shot to death in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

JOSE LUIS ROJAS . (+ Tuesday July 12, 1994). He was editor of the newspaper "La Union de Morelos", and a persistent critic of state government members, especially the governor, general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. In Cuernavaca, Morelos, his body was found strangled and beaten. He was 46.

probably find out after reading this because there is no freedom of expression in Mexico, may also come to understand that many journalists are afraid to tell the truth and because our media are so lacking in transparency. It is probable Many of these people have been forgotten group, but for those who write them are the true heroes of our country, struggling to express freely, showing their disagreement, those who denounce injustice, those who die for the truth.

A Venezuelan newspaper publishes a censored space
in protest at pressure from the government of Hugo Chávez.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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Hudson Valley Bone And Joint Insurance

create listener on MVS

Carmen Aristegui one of the most honest journalists today.

censorship after journalist Carmen Aristegui lived a few months ago, today MVS has introduced the figure of the Ombudsman. This term comes from Swedish, means the commissioner or representative and has been used to describe a society advocates. In the media has also become popular, especially in newspapers, como defensor de los lectores.

En México hay pocos periódicos que cuenten con un Ombudsman, pero ahora MVS pondrá el ejemplo al designar al periodista Gerardo Albarrán de Alba quien fuera coordinador del semanario Proceso, como defensor de sus radioescuchas. El anuncio fue hecho el día de hoy durante el noticiero matutino de Carmen Aristegui.  

La función de Albarrán será defender los intereses de la audiencia y preservar la libertad de expresión en las diversas emisiones de dicho medio. Esta medida parece razonable, ya que es un hecho que MVS perdió prestigio al censurar y despedir temporalmente Carmen Aristegui by pressure from President Calderon and the decision looks to rebound.

believe that this should be an example for other media in Mexico, since their expressions are far from being a reflection of the interests of society. Some major newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, among others, have a public editor would be interesting to Mexican newspapers and why not appoint an ombudsman Morelos. Gerardo Albarran I hope to achieve meet the complicated task entrusted to it and so many more media to adopt this interesting figure.

Gerardo Albarran de Alba to a complicated challenge.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on facebook and twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Best Prosumer Camcorder 2010


Today was a long day in which all kind of have mixed emotions. Do not ever gone without being super proponértelo mood and suddenly the situations that life brings you to remember the past are full of happiness that leave you a tad nostalgic? often happens right? in my case it is mixed with present and future and has become an amalgam of feelings that now I have to digest:)

So today has been played by a song, a conversation and the joy at the end of the day the return of a beloved blogger who had been out of the blogosphere for almost a year because of health problems, take the opportunity to give a warm welcome to Steve. His return has been a great joy immense.

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it"
Chinese proverb

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Write A Lohri Card

Calderón marched against violence

Calderon and his family marching for peace.

Under the cry of "Basta President" Calderon and his family marched against violence in 1997. This was during the presidency of Ernesto Zedillo and who would have thought that years later and in a worst case scenario of violence, people march against the government of Felipe Calderón.

In the recent march, led by Javier Sicilia journalist, I have noticed a significant difference compared to the previous have been made in this administration. When did the march Illuminate Mexico was notable that the principal motivation was fear, but now is different. The fear is still there, but this place I could see a change in attitude, as it now requires the government to react. The slogan is not stopping the fight against drug trafficking, but to create a strategy to confront it and intelligently organized crime.

Calderón from the beginning said that he would "run a lot of blood" in this struggle, which since then showed his lack of estratgegia. It is no longer much talk about security, because in this fight no doubt what has grown is the lack of it. Now the government's discourse is to stop the drug, but not what we want is a safer country? I remember that in 2005 I saw on TV that Calderón is said with some bars out of parts of the Federal District Government. On that occasion had argued that such a fence because the streets of the city was like in prison, because he felt unsafe. It would be good to ask if today you feel more secure.

is a pity that our politicians have no memory, but at least now if you agree to congratulate your Mom, and therefore they have been reminded that I did not forget them, even though some MOTHER HAVE NO ...

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on facebook and twitter:
www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blister Feeling In The Side Of Throat

After a long break I stand on tiptoe to the blogosphere. I'm not sure what to write but I have missed you so much .... I hope never to leave, "never again." Here you have a song that is a bit old, an artist who is not among my favorites, why I choose this song then?? because the letter defines very well how I feel and I like to regale a smile. I will visit them all one by one and try to catch up with your blogs as soon as possible.

"Happiness is not feeling confident lost "