Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poptropica Games In America

Av Morelos, a battleground

In a real war territory Av Morelos has become not only by their appearance, but because it has become the epicenter of political struggle, the struggle against razocinio ineptitude of the struggle that is to whom it does more harm to the public.

The conflict started by the zeal of a politician (Martínez Garrigós) to show themselves, to react to obstacles in their projects. In this figure the three years it seemed cut and therefore quickly, but doing so has made us his government has made us too long, almost endless. Finally, his ineptitude came to such a degree that the other political parties decided to intervene, for electoral purposes and the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving it on the canvas.

To all this must be added that Martinez Garrigós management, showing his inexperience, he has given to certain media. Started looking for alternatives to a political campaign by way of election, in which he has filled canvases Cuernavaca to send messages that do not contribute anything and most troubling, that are not understood.
was NOT understand people's response to these canvases,
NOT understand how they can spend our tax dollars on these stupid

not understand and an association
ghost came to make the explanation

also used to practice one of his rivals, the PAN and specific Marco Adame, and now has put up tarps to attack under a partnership ghost Cuernavaca Yes. " This reminds me of one of the first notes of the space in which denounce the governor ordered to lie down tarps to clubs alone.

The conflict became increasingly large and conflicts generated Av Morelos works entered carriers and entrepreneurs, who are said to be driven by the PAN. While on the other side is where the CTM has always been behind the PRI. Thus, configure an artificial conflict in which each party moves his puppet with the intention of discrediting the contrary, but mostly creating chaos.

It seemed that he had major problems these days in Morelos that represents the insecurity. However, in the Webmail weeks we have seen that this is only a part of our rotten political system. It seems that not enough investment has lost our State in these matters, and to continue generating conditions.

The first three years of the PAN government of Marco Adame were difficult and the insecurity her image was coming a menos conforme avanzaba el sexenio. Sin embargo, cuando apareció Garrigós acaparó la atención por sus desatinos y fue ahí cuando el gobierno del estado optó por callar, para dejar que el PRI se debilitara a través de dicho personaje, hasta ahora que ha intervenido el conflicto de Av. Morelos. Para MMG en cambio sólo hay tres años y no creo que le alcance el tiempo para aprender la lección.

Lo único que actualmente le interesa a la gente es que se solucione el caso de dicha avenida y que no se haga más grande. Que los partidos no lo tomen como zona de combate con objetivos electorales y que entre la cordura en alguno de los actores políticos morelenses. Porque lo que es un hecho, is that this can not continue like this ...

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