The night was clear of clouds, only punctuated by thousands of stars, the temperature was nice and the perfume of jasmine and orange blossoms fill the air. A Luna liked the night like that, was amusing herself in the sea is calm and peaceful ways to make playing in the water with its flames lit trails, collecting the wishes of lovers ...
That night the moon had a mission, searching for a dreamer to lend their assistance. Insistently sought to be immersed in his last work, a small fishing village of whales French Coast. I had to finish the book he was writing, the deadlines were met and there was still one chapter, the prologue and conclusions ... the time was up. Tired and stressed, he was out of power despite being aware of his excellent work.
Moon looked out her window and looked at him tenderly, his frown indicated that their effort was not being as productive as he expected. Felt the need to stroke, protect you, help you in your work and let a soft flare to reach him, they should not bother to not divert their attention.
Le impregnated with its light, its sparkle were delicate touches that inspired him, little by little his brow was smooth, fast fingers glided across the keyboard and his work at last flowed. The room was filled with all kinds of letters forming words that quickly ordered in perfect harmony to see their work finished.
morfeo welcomed him at dawn rocked by the moonlight, as she watched him with tenderness, night guardian of its secrets ... ..
"In the majestic whole of creation, there is nothing that touches me so deeply, that caress my spirit and my fantasy unusual flight as gentle and faint light of the moon"
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