Monday, May 16, 2011

Hudson Valley Bone And Joint Insurance

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Carmen Aristegui one of the most honest journalists today.

censorship after journalist Carmen Aristegui lived a few months ago, today MVS has introduced the figure of the Ombudsman. This term comes from Swedish, means the commissioner or representative and has been used to describe a society advocates. In the media has also become popular, especially in newspapers, como defensor de los lectores.

En México hay pocos periódicos que cuenten con un Ombudsman, pero ahora MVS pondrá el ejemplo al designar al periodista Gerardo Albarrán de Alba quien fuera coordinador del semanario Proceso, como defensor de sus radioescuchas. El anuncio fue hecho el día de hoy durante el noticiero matutino de Carmen Aristegui.  

La función de Albarrán será defender los intereses de la audiencia y preservar la libertad de expresión en las diversas emisiones de dicho medio. Esta medida parece razonable, ya que es un hecho que MVS perdió prestigio al censurar y despedir temporalmente Carmen Aristegui by pressure from President Calderon and the decision looks to rebound.

believe that this should be an example for other media in Mexico, since their expressions are far from being a reflection of the interests of society. Some major newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, among others, have a public editor would be interesting to Mexican newspapers and why not appoint an ombudsman Morelos. Gerardo Albarran I hope to achieve meet the complicated task entrusted to it and so many more media to adopt this interesting figure.

Gerardo Albarran de Alba to a complicated challenge.

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