Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tanning With Scram Bracelet On

Tutti Frutti

The night was clear of clouds, only punctuated by thousands of stars, the temperature was nice and the perfume of jasmine and orange blossoms fill the air. A Luna liked the night like that, was amusing herself in the sea is calm and peaceful ways to make playing in the water with its flames lit trails, collecting the wishes of lovers ...

That night the moon had a mission, searching for a dreamer to lend their assistance. Insistently sought to be immersed in his last work, a small fishing village of whales French Coast. I had to finish the book he was writing, the deadlines were met and there was still one chapter, the prologue and conclusions ... the time was up. Tired and stressed, he was out of power despite being aware of his excellent work.

Moon looked out her window and looked at him tenderly, his frown indicated that their effort was not being as productive as he expected. Felt the need to stroke, protect you, help you in your work and let a soft flare to reach him, they should not bother to not divert their attention.

Le impregnated with its light, its sparkle were delicate touches that inspired him, little by little his brow was smooth, fast fingers glided across the keyboard and his work at last flowed. The room was filled with all kinds of letters forming words that quickly ordered in perfect harmony to see their work finished.

morfeo welcomed him at dawn rocked by the moonlight, as she watched him with tenderness, night guardian of its secrets ... ..

"In the majestic whole of creation, there is nothing that touches me so deeply, that caress my spirit and my fantasy unusual flight as gentle and faint light of the moon"
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Monday, May 16, 2011

Saved Data Utility Minis

The utopian free speech advocate

Protesting the murder of Valentin Valdez of Saltillo.

few days ago, on 3 May to be precise, was held on World Day for Press Freedom (also the day of the Cross, called by some the day of Mason). However, in Mexico and in many countries this concept has not been more than a utopia. This and the murder of journalist's son Javier Sicilia made me think of all the journalists who have been killed in recent years.

few months ago I received information on these issues and that made me investigate further. In this way, I discovered that there is a Committee to Protect Journalists (http://www.cpj.org ), which is dedicated to defending the people of the profession around the world. On their website I discovered that the presidency of Felipe Calderon has been the most journalists killed in recent decades.

So far in 2011 there has been 1 murder this year and show more negative balance of the Calderon were the 2009 and 2010 with 15 victims each. Then the figures for each year of the "President of Employment:

2006: 1 journalist
2007: 7 journalists
2008: 11 journalists
2009: 15 journalists
2010: 15 journalists
2011: 1 journalist
sexenio Total: 50 journalists killed
These figures are taken from a study completed in September 2010 by Professor Remberto Hernández Padilla, so the number of the year could be higher, the 2011 data was taken from the CPJ website.
In 2010 Mexico was the fourth highest number of deaths of journalists, only behind Pakistan, Iraq and Honduras. In Morelos since 1991 have been killed following journalists
CAMPOS ALEJANDRO MORENO (+ 1991). Diario de Morelos reporter.

DORANTES JORGE MARTÍN. (+ Monday June 6, 1994). Ran the weekly "cruise." He was critical of state government officials, especially with the governor, general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. He was assassinated in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

TORRES ENRIQUE PERALTA. (+ Wednesday July 6, 1994). He was a reporter for the newspaper "La Union de Morelos." Since that means criticizing the "mismanagement" of the governor general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. Was shot to death in Cuernavaca, Morelos.

JOSE LUIS ROJAS . (+ Tuesday July 12, 1994). He was editor of the newspaper "La Union de Morelos", and a persistent critic of state government members, especially the governor, general, Jorge Carrillo Olea. In Cuernavaca, Morelos, his body was found strangled and beaten. He was 46.

probably find out after reading this because there is no freedom of expression in Mexico, may also come to understand that many journalists are afraid to tell the truth and because our media are so lacking in transparency. It is probable Many of these people have been forgotten group, but for those who write them are the true heroes of our country, struggling to express freely, showing their disagreement, those who denounce injustice, those who die for the truth.

A Venezuelan newspaper publishes a censored space
in protest at pressure from the government of Hugo Chávez.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Hudson Valley Bone And Joint Insurance

create listener on MVS

Carmen Aristegui one of the most honest journalists today.

censorship after journalist Carmen Aristegui lived a few months ago, today MVS has introduced the figure of the Ombudsman. This term comes from Swedish, means the commissioner or representative and has been used to describe a society advocates. In the media has also become popular, especially in newspapers, como defensor de los lectores.

En México hay pocos periódicos que cuenten con un Ombudsman, pero ahora MVS pondrá el ejemplo al designar al periodista Gerardo Albarrán de Alba quien fuera coordinador del semanario Proceso, como defensor de sus radioescuchas. El anuncio fue hecho el día de hoy durante el noticiero matutino de Carmen Aristegui.  

La función de Albarrán será defender los intereses de la audiencia y preservar la libertad de expresión en las diversas emisiones de dicho medio. Esta medida parece razonable, ya que es un hecho que MVS perdió prestigio al censurar y despedir temporalmente Carmen Aristegui by pressure from President Calderon and the decision looks to rebound.

believe that this should be an example for other media in Mexico, since their expressions are far from being a reflection of the interests of society. Some major newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, among others, have a public editor would be interesting to Mexican newspapers and why not appoint an ombudsman Morelos. Gerardo Albarran I hope to achieve meet the complicated task entrusted to it and so many more media to adopt this interesting figure.

Gerardo Albarran de Alba to a complicated challenge.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on facebook and twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Best Prosumer Camcorder 2010


Today was a long day in which all kind of have mixed emotions. Do not ever gone without being super proponértelo mood and suddenly the situations that life brings you to remember the past are full of happiness that leave you a tad nostalgic? often happens right? in my case it is mixed with present and future and has become an amalgam of feelings that now I have to digest:)

So today has been played by a song, a conversation and the joy at the end of the day the return of a beloved blogger who had been out of the blogosphere for almost a year because of health problems, take the opportunity to give a warm welcome to Steve. His return has been a great joy immense.

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that is when I need it"
Chinese proverb

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Write A Lohri Card

Calderón marched against violence

Calderon and his family marching for peace.

Under the cry of "Basta President" Calderon and his family marched against violence in 1997. This was during the presidency of Ernesto Zedillo and who would have thought that years later and in a worst case scenario of violence, people march against the government of Felipe Calderón.

In the recent march, led by Javier Sicilia journalist, I have noticed a significant difference compared to the previous have been made in this administration. When did the march Illuminate Mexico was notable that the principal motivation was fear, but now is different. The fear is still there, but this place I could see a change in attitude, as it now requires the government to react. The slogan is not stopping the fight against drug trafficking, but to create a strategy to confront it and intelligently organized crime.

Calderón from the beginning said that he would "run a lot of blood" in this struggle, which since then showed his lack of estratgegia. It is no longer much talk about security, because in this fight no doubt what has grown is the lack of it. Now the government's discourse is to stop the drug, but not what we want is a safer country? I remember that in 2005 I saw on TV that Calderón is said with some bars out of parts of the Federal District Government. On that occasion had argued that such a fence because the streets of the city was like in prison, because he felt unsafe. It would be good to ask if today you feel more secure.

is a pity that our politicians have no memory, but at least now if you agree to congratulate your Mom, and therefore they have been reminded that I did not forget them, even though some MOTHER HAVE NO ...

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on facebook and twitter:
www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blister Feeling In The Side Of Throat

After a long break I stand on tiptoe to the blogosphere. I'm not sure what to write but I have missed you so much .... I hope never to leave, "never again." Here you have a song that is a bit old, an artist who is not among my favorites, why I choose this song then?? because the letter defines very well how I feel and I like to regale a smile. I will visit them all one by one and try to catch up with your blogs as soon as possible.

"Happiness is not feeling confident lost "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does The Cubefield Cheat Work On Facebook

The mentality of "I told you so" attack terrorizes

For several weeks
I get e-signed with the legend "told you so" and just this week in an episode of my daily life I intended to express the phrase, but I did not. This was because I thought that I told you so "at a time of crisis does nothing and i do not excenta the problem or the situation of my interlocutor.

Some people enjoy utter that phrase, since it represents be right, but actually if you look at is to act with a certain mediocrity. That just happens now to these emails and even page ( http://www.telodije.com.mx ), which in this case refers to having voted for PRI, which strongly criticizes Garrigós and was probably created by a PAN.

In the situation where Mexico is for me to say I told you so "is an act of cowardice, pretending that one is not part of the problem because they think differently. Just talked with a good friend who I shared a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta which reads as follows:
"never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me"

And I think it just reflects the mentality of many people in our country and especially that of many politicians. Thus, elections are won based on discrediting the opponent and as such is Calderon wins a game based on the defeat of their opponents, losing sight of the society that is trapped in three disputes.

I wish there were associations and websites that were not based on the cons but the pros disseminated, not only see the problems, but offered suggestions to fix things. Probably, some think that this space is devoted much space to criticism, but also seeks to generate participation and proposals, although the latter are sometimes suggest a political reason.

remember chatting with a friend in 2006, he told me he was convinced that there was electoral fraud in the election for President of the Republic. However, what struck me most is that when Calderon began the six years of it there was a proposal which seemed very good, but not to legitimize the fact that even though I said I had good ideas would not support it.

This left me thinking a lot, and that is the mentality that many have, if there is fraud or if our candidate does not win we get defensive and feel that Mexico will enter into crisis. Some even enjoy our country comes down for the simple pleasure of saying I told you so. " But this is the way in which we live? Because I do not know if in the next election there is only one candidate that we seem capable, but certainly one of them will be our president live "waiting for fall even if it harms us from ourselves? "We will dream with a fictitious past and say," Lopez Obrador would be better?

No doubt we must speak out, but not to say I told you so ", we must do to generate ideas, proposals and solutions. Do not want to think again that is an administration that has lost and will spend more years like these. Do not want to go back to expect the next election to hear the outcome of the current. I admit many times to see Calderón, Adame and Garrigós I thought of saying "told you so", but I stop to think that what I bring and reflection to generate ideas, proposals and say "I TELL YOU .."

This is a little thought and if it looks good to share it with people who want to propose an improvement for Mexico. If you agree with my opinion, make it known to people telodije.com.mx to email: admin@telodije.com.mx

not intend to argue Martinez Garrigós
pathetic but I think the concept under which it is attacked.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com
/ chineloguardian

Tech Deck Game Of Skate

royal merchants

I received an email from Monterrey, where violence is more intense and disturbing that in our state. A contributor who calls himself Commander Regio me get this image and information that will share next

Regional Commander

An attack with grenades and high-impact weapon against a police perpetrated by organized crime members, left in its wake times panic and terror among hundreds of traders from the market in Guadalupe, Nuevo León.

"We all hit the ground ... arrived in two trucks, were pure huercos (young children) cousin, but we all began to hide, it's the police who were on guard ran to hide, "said a gentleman.

The attack happened on Avenida Lopez Mateos a few meters from the Avenida Morones Prieto, Colonia Las Quinta, said the Attorney General of Nuevo León.

"It was horror, we heard very strong, really did not look anything just threw me to the ground along with my son, he is bathed (the gunmen) were children and women, but the good thing nothing happened "said a trader.

learned that a group of young perpetrators of this attack, then got out of two vans, two grenades Lazaron police units and fired rifles. The place attended items Guadalupe Civil Protection and Fire, who quelled the fire of the units.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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/ chineloguardian

Poptropica Games In America

Av Morelos, a battleground

In a real war territory Av Morelos has become not only by their appearance, but because it has become the epicenter of political struggle, the struggle against razocinio ineptitude of the struggle that is to whom it does more harm to the public.

The conflict started by the zeal of a politician (Martínez Garrigós) to show themselves, to react to obstacles in their projects. In this figure the three years it seemed cut and therefore quickly, but doing so has made us his government has made us too long, almost endless. Finally, his ineptitude came to such a degree that the other political parties decided to intervene, for electoral purposes and the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving it on the canvas.

To all this must be added that Martinez Garrigós management, showing his inexperience, he has given to certain media. Started looking for alternatives to a political campaign by way of election, in which he has filled canvases Cuernavaca to send messages that do not contribute anything and most troubling, that are not understood.
was NOT understand people's response to these canvases,
NOT understand how they can spend our tax dollars on these stupid

not understand and an association
ghost came to make the explanation

also used to practice one of his rivals, the PAN and specific Marco Adame, and now has put up tarps to attack under a partnership ghost Cuernavaca Yes. " This reminds me of one of the first notes of the space in which denounce the governor ordered to lie down tarps to clubs alone.

The conflict became increasingly large and conflicts generated Av Morelos works entered carriers and entrepreneurs, who are said to be driven by the PAN. While on the other side is where the CTM has always been behind the PRI. Thus, configure an artificial conflict in which each party moves his puppet with the intention of discrediting the contrary, but mostly creating chaos.

It seemed that he had major problems these days in Morelos that represents the insecurity. However, in the Webmail weeks we have seen that this is only a part of our rotten political system. It seems that not enough investment has lost our State in these matters, and to continue generating conditions.

The first three years of the PAN government of Marco Adame were difficult and the insecurity her image was coming a menos conforme avanzaba el sexenio. Sin embargo, cuando apareció Garrigós acaparó la atención por sus desatinos y fue ahí cuando el gobierno del estado optó por callar, para dejar que el PRI se debilitara a través de dicho personaje, hasta ahora que ha intervenido el conflicto de Av. Morelos. Para MMG en cambio sólo hay tres años y no creo que le alcance el tiempo para aprender la lección.

Lo único que actualmente le interesa a la gente es que se solucione el caso de dicha avenida y que no se haga más grande. Que los partidos no lo tomen como zona de combate con objetivos electorales y que entre la cordura en alguno de los actores políticos morelenses. Porque lo que es un hecho, is that this can not continue like this ...

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com
/ chineloguardian

Monday, February 28, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get Driver Permit


And the dreams .... Where are they?

Where is the dream of the man who dreamed of publishing his writings? That one student being cautious kept saying what their hands waiting for that someday, somewhere, someone would publish it?

Where is the dream of that other man who dreamed of traveling the world by train? That it over and over again postponed his great journey for a better opportunity?

Where is the dream that there, the man who dreamed of finding another man who truly loved? That time and again that hides among many empty appointments with the only companion of loneliness?

And that? Where is that dream? The women who dreamed of creating, to paint and exhibit his paintings so that everyone could admire ... where was that?

And that one? Where was the dream of man who looks behind the scenes? This not only observes and talks, which was the dream of flying helicopters?

Where were so many dreams that made us sleep with a smile at the thought? Still here, playing hide joke into believing that they are gone then suddenly appear, come from behind and we cherish the shoulder, whisper in his ear that do not leave, they want to be made, but we strive to leave in this smokescreen because we prefer to think that it is too late.

not stop chasing them, they are the engine of our lives. Never too late, now is the time ... ..

"Years wrinkle the skin but loss of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul" Albert Schweitzer

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do Row Boats Need Registration Nys

The campaign starts Tabasco
towards the governor of Morelos

Yesterday the newspaper Reforma published an article titled "It's an overbearing, demanding Graco" in collecting comments directed at Senator López Obrador PRD. These comments were expressed after former presidential candidate ruled against the alliance of the PRD to the PAN in the State of Mexico.

"attitude is a very dangerous feature of authoritarianism. It's like saying, 'If you do not do what I say, then I will. " López Obrador is upset because they prevent him from becoming the great elector, such as Enrique Peña Nieto to the PRI, "said Graco Ramírez.

"who presume to be Democrat abide by what people say. If he (López Obrador) believes he is right, to call people and they beat us at the polls, do not understand why he is so upset, if at other times he has been a promoter of partnerships with the PAN. "

I draw a lot Graco Ramirez's statements as just under 5 years, on the eve of the election, I had to go to a breakfast organized by the now a senator in the Mission Hotel (formerly Mximilians .) In that event, Graco was full of praise for Lopez Obrador and even boasted of being who led the PRD and even discovered.

At that time, AMLO was the great figure of the party of the sun and many of their candidates in different parts of the Republic won thanks to the popularity of Tabasco. One of the beneficiaries of this fact was the same as Graco, who earned his place in the Senate by percentage of representation and that probably would not have reached in the polls, not to be a popular politician in Morelos.

now seems to have forgotten to whom he owes his political triumphs, just imagine what would happen if they were at the polls. Would not comment for or against or in favor of his statements, but if I were in your position better be silent. Now even López Obrador challenges and wave the flag of the PRD, when ever he was their flag.

However, Graco forgets its origin, not only to forget who has helped him but wanting to fight for his party's nomination for governor of Morelos. This is because as AMLO, as he is also mentioned many times Tabasco at that breakfast, referring to Andrés Manuel as "my countryman." Hopefully not going to bite your tongue and you come out as "authoritarian" in wanting to be governor of Morelos, although this represents a violation of art. 58 of the Constitution of Morelos.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Secure Leaning Mirror

'I told my years and discovered that I have less time to live hereafter that I lived so far ....

I feel like that guy who won a package of goodies: the first ate with pleasure, but when he perceived that there was little, start to feel deeply.

I have no time for endless meetings where they discuss statutes, rules, procedures and regulations knowing that you will not accomplish anything.

I have no time for silly bear who, despite their chronological age have not grown.

I have no time to deal with mediocrity.

not want to be in meetings where egos parade.

I can not stand manipulators and opportunists.

bother me envious, seeking to discredit the most able, to usurp their places, talents and accomplishments.

hate, if I witness, the defects generated by the struggle for a magnificent job.

People do not discuss content, just the titles. My time is short and to discuss titles. I

essence, my soul is in a hurry. Without a lot of goodies in the package ....

I want to live next to people human, very human. Who knows how to laugh at your mistakes.

Do not be puffed up with their triumphs. Elected not considered early.

Do not run away from their responsibilities. To defend human dignity.

And you want to only walk on the side of truth and honesty. The essential thing is what makes life worthwhile.

I surround myself with people who can touch the hearts of people ... People to whom the hard knocks of life taught him to grow with soft touches the soul. Yes

.. I have a rush to live with the intensity that only maturity can bring.

intend not to waste any part of the goodies I have. I'm sure will be more exquisite that so far I've eaten.

My goal is to finally be satisfied and at peace with my loved ones and my conscience.

hope that yours is the same because, either way, you'll get. "

"Live hard today, that tomorrow is a time that exists only in our dreams"

MARIO ANDRADE (1893-1945) Poet, novelist, essayist and Brazilian musician.

Silver picture

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ok To Color Alopecia Areata

origin Graco Forget You Garrigós uncovers heard

It seems that was finally uncovered the ear Garrigós Martinez, as it is now starting to listen to citizens' demands that haunt him for some time. Referring to tell them that I received this a statement of the City of Cuernavaca with the following headline:

Martínez Garrigós Listen to cuernavacenses

Suspended modernization Morelos Avenue City of Cuernavaca

This text conveys the government's decision to suspend Martínez Garrigós the second stage of the works undertaken in Morelos Av. Note USTE headline style in which it is said that suspending the modernization as saying that there is a recession and the top line starts saying "Listen MMG, which is perhaps what has lacked the inexperienced munícipe.
That decision was make known in a press conference the town clerk, Francisco León Rivera Vélez, Urban Development, Public Works and Services and Environment, Rafael Rubio Quintero and Tourism and Economic Development, Cecilio Cortes Xoxocotla.

Vélez Rivera was Leon who reported that, on instructions from the mayor, Manuel Martínez Garrigós were handled the request of citizens , traders and transporters, as regards the work of Morelos Avenue, so work was suspended.

other hand, noted that the resources of this work will be assigned to other works in the city. Among the projects to which resources will be given support to the English language schools to recover presence of foreign students in Cuernavaca.
Finally, the Secretary of Public Works, Rubio Quintero, said in Cuernavaca government listens to the people as evidenced by the cancellation of this work. Asked the state government to join this open and listen to the society as a claim to bring order to the public transport service, one of the sectors in which private anarchy.

As head of the Public Works area, the staff considered appropriate to inform the consequences of the cancellation of the work. "The works were not only about changing the pavement, but thoroughly solve the problem of sanitary sewer that exists in this part of Avenida Morelos, so continue pouring sewage and, consequently, polluting the water and creating caves. "

also considered extending the water network to meet the demand of future generations, and make the work of underground cable lines electricity, telephone and cable to give a better image to the city, "he said.

strikes me that stated at the press conference, which emphasizes the care that puts the City to the social demands. Interestingly, this is what the administration has lacked Garrigós. Remember that these works began without warning and this caused immediate damage on the economy of local business.

This is a mistake Garrigós government has had serious consequences and that he has realized. Even Christmas put some tarps inviting people to buy in the shops of Avenida Morelos. However, work in progress, this was more difficult than getting Hidalgo subway at rush hour.

In recent days, Martinez Garrigós has seen an accelerated away from the chance to be the PRI candidate for governor of Morelos. This is why it has launched a series of actions in correcting, as happened with the farm and as happens now with the works of Morelos Av. About his political future raises several questions, but will give you time to raise their image? The PRI him again take into account? After three attempts to gain power, people finally gave him their vote, their confidence and the response has been quite a disappointment and the PRI are probably asking, "People will rely on GMM? and know very well that the answer is: NO.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kodak Wedding Program

Adame, the truce and

February 16, 2011 Forbidden to Forbid
Javier Jaramillo Frika

the larger interest of society as we have lived in Morelos startle a good time? No doubt a return to the tranquility that assumed in the past. Morelos preserves the essence of wealth, human values \u200b\u200bof its people and is entitled to peace and welfare. To do this, citizens do their part, seek not to break with the everyday and live as usual has. Is required in most conditions granted by the authorities at all three levels. Today, it is useless to know the views of officials or politicians when confronted with the lights and reflectors are transformed. If we review many speeches we find insults, insults, straw. No proposal. Few, perhaps, and must be sought as a nugget of gold in the kilometer-long mine.

observed a picture with the governor Marco Antonio Adame in the foreground. Calls once again, the presence of all forces, which are the same turn-responsible for generating the installation of the so-called governance table. Immediate response against from all sides. Given the overwhelming reality that we live in Morelos, the least we can do those who govern in the three branches, political parties, is to look hard society to live better. How do you do not even attempt to sit at a table does? What has been done in other attempts? It is not for reasons of friendship, from the local congress locate anyone, without a profile and become pseudo-champions of democracy, art ideologues in critical immaculate. Perhaps those who put forward is not important. What's more the search results. And what are these?

Morelos with society to face urge a truce of politicians to get the points of certainty that has been lost. Tell us that change, through the efforts of all citizens including the state of affairs. The common Morelos, the vast majority do not care if a group of parties or personalities threatens one day every other well, with carrying a chair to dictate impeach the state governor. If you ask anyone living in Morelos during the past 20 years, will answer you prefer to know how and when you can return to the streets to walk with your children or where to quietly take the air of the warm nights of our land. That is the priority, not intending protagonist subjects who have never had a responsibility, one, three or five years, self appointed professional politicians.

never have appreciated the tables of the reform, dialogue and governance, with the title like putting on. Today there is every reason to emerge from that point the ideas, proposals, and above all the commitments. Marco Adame Governor yesterday sent its fourth progress report, the call without being opened, he solely responsible for inviting their peers in this task. The reaction is indifference or is the warning, yet another by the way, the initiation of impeachment. At this point, when reality kill the drama, when the cry is promises request because the reality annihilated, at least they should do the makers of power in whatever level, is to provide certainty to Morelos. Although no time is over, to sharpen their batons in the electoral process where, augur, grow one to offer real choices about which portend disaster.

In a word, impeachment smells old, feels the menace, even looks like an attempted negotiation cloudy. That's that. If it were a few political trials, but very few who do public service, would be saved. True, in the administration of Adame no cabinet luminaires historically have at least five high level. Even sports people with surveys that fall into vulgarity and humor as they do alleged employers.

Adame not throw the gauntlet of challenge, one fulfills his obligation. Others should not collect any pledge, just do whatever they charge forces. Morelos society notes, live start, and their only way to make itself felt before the deafness and blindness of those who must have eyes and ears open, you retaliate at the polls in July next year.

Morelos and his people are above a lot, any official or political. Understand it now. The table is an urgent issue. The trial becomes the figure of the legend of the wolf. The priorities are obvious, palpable, to breathe. Do their job which are gourds and stop making him the few that followed. The issue of delivery of the report had a discreet management, as it should be, because there are social priorities, one, the fundamental, the Morelos like you, as a server, we return to our streets and have that sense of belonging that we so proudly was.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly in this post.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rules For Wearing A Shirt Under A Sweater

report theft of the century!

received this information by mail and I found it quite interesting It was probably written by people from another party, but would like to share with the readers of this blog.

No, ladies and gentlemen, the heist of the century is not carried out in a Paris museum, or a safe deposit box at a bank in New York, no, is being place in Cuernavaca.

The lack of information about the destination and use of 600 million pesos of the loan it acquired the capital's City Hall, are a sure sign that something is happening.

enough to show a button: The collection services (garbage collection) is not cheaper or better, the last six months of service the company now cost 31 million pesos, the remaining six months ( without PASA) cost 42.8 million dollars.

The city government is costing him dearly in the public, 10% in service charges personal, 44% more vehicles in service, 114% more in administrative services such as phone rental for "advisers", travel, etc. To name a few.

In a matter of social communication and image Manuelito56.9 million has been spent when they had budgeted only 21 million pesos. Have the field only for 4 million dollars, 9.7 million to the Secretariat of Tourism (and so shaken that image of Cuernavaca is about this city, as is seen in the rest of the country as one of the most insecure). By the way, police equipment Cuernavaca, through a fund, only 4 million.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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Pikachu Cake Template

"Beautifying the city? Short Story Contest

I'm running the elections would
to see this
kind of propaganda

During the last election propaganda garbage production was impressive and the image of the different cities of the country was significantly affected. Upon completion of the electoral process were removed some of the canvas, which was pretty good even if they had won the candidates did not want (that will become increasingly common because no one to RIEF).

However, it appears that Manuel Martínez Garrigós the banners and canvases that are hung on poles are the best option to promote themselves. He began by announcing his government last report and since then has not stopped. A campaign was followed by the "achievements" of his administration, that says that in some tarps and other City Morelos PRI (If set each canvas is printed both logos, but are bent to a specific show). In recent days have changed some of these canvases by others with more current information. The irony is that there is a mention as an achievement that even the landscaping when the same fabric is afeándolo.

This cover speaks of embellishment,
although the photo is not enough to appreciate.

It's funny because a lot has been spoken about the row between Garrigós and Diario de Morelos, allegedly is that the mayor does not want to pay so much to this publication. But do you have to think how much they cost these fabrics? Probably have a very high cost and could even be compared to newspaper ads.

now has new canvas on which rectifies the issue of property tax, which has undoubtedly been a major errors of their mandate (although there are many to choose from). I do not know how long it will continue its canvas, but I'm sure the expense and ecological impact of these is very high. Hopefully that will pledge Garrigós focus or rather wait out his term, that surely will happen faster.
On error we have to pay in advertising
and see what it says, I almost read infarction.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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Can My Cat Overdose On Ambien

Chronicles of Cuernavaca

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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was alone, would have to hurry because he was about to arrive and wanted to have everything ready. As water travels over left his body in the shower thinking about the final details of which had to take for everything to go perfect, candlelight dinner, soft music and meant to be an unforgettable night.

After donning the black muslin dress and a bit of perfume she loved the mirror looked pleased and smiled, I knew that black outfit with suspenders he had bought the evening before you go crazy.

While waiting for his mind went through his intentions ... after dinner we offer a massage to loosen your muscles from the stress of work. Before you prepare a couple of very hot tea.'d start by undressing slowly, with each sip kiss him dropping a few drops of hot liquid into every inch of skin that his hands were discovered. When your skin is completely naked that he would slowly undressed that night there would be no rush, enjoy every cm of your skin ... oil permeate your body cinnamon and vanilla and give him a massage ... ... skin to skin. The sound of your phone's back to reality, he was, could not come, had come unexpected, yet did not recall having agreed to it would come soon. Defeated undressed slowly as tears drew furrows in his cheeks, once again happening, he fled from love, tired of love for fear of ....

"We must take risks. Only fully understand the miracle of life when the unexpected happens we " Paulo Coelho

blogderefranes.com image obtained from

Thursday, January 20, 2011

“the Secret Behind The Secret Eric Amidi


As a result of the serious events in the country and the overwhelming sense of insecurity, which leads us to trust no one, or the police, we must begin to take security measures to try not to leave injured, raped, maimed, extorted, dead or whatever unimaginable that are happening across the country, thus playing a list of tips that I came and I think it is my duty to share:

1. Be tolerant. If you're driving and you see that someone is honking because you want to pass, move over. You do not know who or know the reason in his haste. Stop fighting because someone causes traffic or because you closed, better take a deep breath, count to 10 and value your life.

2. Be careful. Frequenting bars, discos and nightclubs, it is not safe. The drug trade has taken over these places, and anytime you can reach the cave where you are and close. Better talk with friends who frequent and start to gather for fun at home of acquaintances.

3. Be humble. We know that sometimes we like to show off what we have and show that we are wealthy ... Well, at least the majority. For these times we are asked to stop being so. If you have money ... How nice for you, but try not to shout it from the 4 winds wasting the money in a restaurant, bar or nightclub. The Zetas are very determined and really are looking for people with money can pay a hefty ransom.

4. Is prudent. In these times to be brave has consequences. If you see someone you are hurting or know where they have a hostage. Warn ... BUT ... Do not talk or your cell phone or a local. Use a pay phone and speaks for anonymity.

5. Be agile. If you're in your car in the middle of a shooting, get down to the floor of vehicle and cover your head with both hands, if you have kids in the car, take them up, pick it up and cast down strong with them. If you're walking and just play some shooting, do not go running because you can confuse, rather jump off the floor and cover your head with both hands.

6. Be smart. Drug trafficking is also the owner of the dirty deals, and piracy. Stop buying piracy, but you have enough money to buy an original CD then go to an internet cafe and download your music, but do not buy pirated CDs to buy support as the economy of these individuals.

7. Are reserved. Shut your mouth in public places and not talk about that crime you have until the forelock ... Or you know where the mafia ... You want to do something to stop crime ... No, I do not know who you have next to you in the restaurant, at Mass in the park. Best Set aside your comments and let the authorities do their job.

8. Be prevented. If you have children that are not yet of age and love to go out, it's time to ban the departures after 9 pm, the mob loves to operate at night, you will jump, jumping and shouting. But everything is for his sake.

9. Is suspicious. We do not know who we have neighbors who talk us out or who are our customers. Best is not the time to socialize with people who do not know, do not know what their intentions are.

10. It is subtle. Publish your photos or your family on Facebook, Hi5, Myspace is fun, but try not to publish photos from your last trip to Acapulco, Guadalajara, Monterrey or Mexico or abroad, or convertible car you buy or give . Even in the Internet researching the foreign owners and are realizing there, how are you doing to you. or your family careful what you are publishing your children.

11. Be very private. Selected with great care to service personnel at home and be cautious in dealing with others. At home do not let your bank statements, jewelry, checkbooks, and legal documents in accessible locations. Not go beyond your personal information may not be known your property, housing, family, bills, etc.. Try to always have a picture ID and copy of the staff at your service.

12. Behind closed doors. What in your home, do not open the door unless the person is fully identified. Do not buy nothing to offer you arrive at the door, not open to deliver unsolicited donations from strangers. Abandon the habit of selling recyclable material who comes to buy it at the door, direct to your family not to open to receive unexpected packages or delivery (if you can claim legitimate package anyway). Trust your home only to people in your confidence. Try to manage your bank account records, telephone service and cable TV signal, through internet, thus preventing your personal information rolling walk.

13. Delivering what they ask. If unfortunately you are the victim of an assault remain calm, delivery what they ask and try to walk away calmly. Resisting can cost you your life.

14. Less is more. Always carry some cash, used for everyday card with a low credit limit. Gold cards under lock and key saves for future reference. Open multiple bank accounts for current expenses and divides the deposits and expenses, to never give the impression of having immediate resources. Avoid making large cash deposits in one account. Bank employees also criminals.

hope that the common practice of the above tips, you will be very useful. To do us, which the police authorities are incpaces: avoid becoming victims of crime.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

Follow us on facebook and twitter: www.twitter.com / chineloguardian

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ow Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last?

newspaper Nuevo Morelos MMG

what will be done this leader?

Today came the first publication of The Leader of Morelos, a new newspaper that comes to generate a new alternative for newspaper readers in our state. This publication is part of Grupo Mac ( http://www.grupomac.mx/ ) having the following newspapers: The

El Diario de Toluca
The Estado de Mexico
Rumbo de Mexico
Stadium (Depot)
Hidalgo's Clock
The Corregidor of Querétaro

Similarly, with Capital Radio Station (AM), Telecapital and Change magazine. The caudillo of Morelos is published from Monday to Friday, and contain within them the stadium and sports newspaper Rumbo de Mexico, and local information. Today I give away at newsstands because its release, but will cost 5 pesos.

Mac Group is owned by the family Maccise and appears to have originated in the State of Mexico, where his focus was the Journal of Toluca. In recent years the media group has grown a lot and even rumored to have interest on their part to acquire El Economista. However, what is a fact is that they have set their sights on Morelos, where competition from the major newspapers is visceral and not based on ability, but in disqualification.

today's edition, shows a well-structured paper, but also shows an editorial line that leaves much to be desired as the main note to an interview with Marco Adame and talk about the challenges his government this year. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Caudillo de Morelos "will get a slice of the government budget Morelos or become a real alternative to society? "His presence will make the EU Journal and wake up?

On the other hand, strikes me not to see any journalist Morelos known and not even know if there is one. The commitment of its president, Dib Maccise Anuar, as published is "doing journalism for citizens, with objectivity and breathe, no worries leading roles, or hidden agendas." Let's see what happens, but personally I think the emergence of this environment is healthy and hopefully become a trigger that is generated journalism in Morelos. Will be given a chance to Caudillo, or at least the benefit of the doubt.


If you have any comments or complaints send an email to chinelo.guardian @ gmail.com or comment directly on this post.

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