Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does The Cubefield Cheat Work On Facebook

The mentality of "I told you so" attack terrorizes

For several weeks
I get e-signed with the legend "told you so" and just this week in an episode of my daily life I intended to express the phrase, but I did not. This was because I thought that I told you so "at a time of crisis does nothing and i do not excenta the problem or the situation of my interlocutor.

Some people enjoy utter that phrase, since it represents be right, but actually if you look at is to act with a certain mediocrity. That just happens now to these emails and even page ( ), which in this case refers to having voted for PRI, which strongly criticizes Garrigós and was probably created by a PAN.

In the situation where Mexico is for me to say I told you so "is an act of cowardice, pretending that one is not part of the problem because they think differently. Just talked with a good friend who I shared a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta which reads as follows:
"never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me"

And I think it just reflects the mentality of many people in our country and especially that of many politicians. Thus, elections are won based on discrediting the opponent and as such is Calderon wins a game based on the defeat of their opponents, losing sight of the society that is trapped in three disputes.

I wish there were associations and websites that were not based on the cons but the pros disseminated, not only see the problems, but offered suggestions to fix things. Probably, some think that this space is devoted much space to criticism, but also seeks to generate participation and proposals, although the latter are sometimes suggest a political reason.

remember chatting with a friend in 2006, he told me he was convinced that there was electoral fraud in the election for President of the Republic. However, what struck me most is that when Calderon began the six years of it there was a proposal which seemed very good, but not to legitimize the fact that even though I said I had good ideas would not support it.

This left me thinking a lot, and that is the mentality that many have, if there is fraud or if our candidate does not win we get defensive and feel that Mexico will enter into crisis. Some even enjoy our country comes down for the simple pleasure of saying I told you so. " But this is the way in which we live? Because I do not know if in the next election there is only one candidate that we seem capable, but certainly one of them will be our president live "waiting for fall even if it harms us from ourselves? "We will dream with a fictitious past and say," Lopez Obrador would be better?

No doubt we must speak out, but not to say I told you so ", we must do to generate ideas, proposals and solutions. Do not want to think again that is an administration that has lost and will spend more years like these. Do not want to go back to expect the next election to hear the outcome of the current. I admit many times to see Calderón, Adame and Garrigós I thought of saying "told you so", but I stop to think that what I bring and reflection to generate ideas, proposals and say "I TELL YOU .."

This is a little thought and if it looks good to share it with people who want to propose an improvement for Mexico. If you agree with my opinion, make it known to people to email:

not intend to argue Martinez Garrigós
pathetic but I think the concept under which it is attacked.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to @ or comment directly on this post.

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/ chineloguardian

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royal merchants

I received an email from Monterrey, where violence is more intense and disturbing that in our state. A contributor who calls himself Commander Regio me get this image and information that will share next

Regional Commander

An attack with grenades and high-impact weapon against a police perpetrated by organized crime members, left in its wake times panic and terror among hundreds of traders from the market in Guadalupe, Nuevo León.

"We all hit the ground ... arrived in two trucks, were pure huercos (young children) cousin, but we all began to hide, it's the police who were on guard ran to hide, "said a gentleman.

The attack happened on Avenida Lopez Mateos a few meters from the Avenida Morones Prieto, Colonia Las Quinta, said the Attorney General of Nuevo León.

"It was horror, we heard very strong, really did not look anything just threw me to the ground along with my son, he is bathed (the gunmen) were children and women, but the good thing nothing happened "said a trader.

learned that a group of young perpetrators of this attack, then got out of two vans, two grenades Lazaron police units and fired rifles. The place attended items Guadalupe Civil Protection and Fire, who quelled the fire of the units.

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to @ or comment directly on this post.

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/ chineloguardian

Poptropica Games In America

Av Morelos, a battleground

In a real war territory Av Morelos has become not only by their appearance, but because it has become the epicenter of political struggle, the struggle against razocinio ineptitude of the struggle that is to whom it does more harm to the public.

The conflict started by the zeal of a politician (Martínez Garrigós) to show themselves, to react to obstacles in their projects. In this figure the three years it seemed cut and therefore quickly, but doing so has made us his government has made us too long, almost endless. Finally, his ineptitude came to such a degree that the other political parties decided to intervene, for electoral purposes and the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving it on the canvas.

To all this must be added that Martinez Garrigós management, showing his inexperience, he has given to certain media. Started looking for alternatives to a political campaign by way of election, in which he has filled canvases Cuernavaca to send messages that do not contribute anything and most troubling, that are not understood.
was NOT understand people's response to these canvases,
NOT understand how they can spend our tax dollars on these stupid

not understand and an association
ghost came to make the explanation

also used to practice one of his rivals, the PAN and specific Marco Adame, and now has put up tarps to attack under a partnership ghost Cuernavaca Yes. " This reminds me of one of the first notes of the space in which denounce the governor ordered to lie down tarps to clubs alone.

The conflict became increasingly large and conflicts generated Av Morelos works entered carriers and entrepreneurs, who are said to be driven by the PAN. While on the other side is where the CTM has always been behind the PRI. Thus, configure an artificial conflict in which each party moves his puppet with the intention of discrediting the contrary, but mostly creating chaos.

It seemed that he had major problems these days in Morelos that represents the insecurity. However, in the Webmail weeks we have seen that this is only a part of our rotten political system. It seems that not enough investment has lost our State in these matters, and to continue generating conditions.

The first three years of the PAN government of Marco Adame were difficult and the insecurity her image was coming a menos conforme avanzaba el sexenio. Sin embargo, cuando apareció Garrigós acaparó la atención por sus desatinos y fue ahí cuando el gobierno del estado optó por callar, para dejar que el PRI se debilitara a través de dicho personaje, hasta ahora que ha intervenido el conflicto de Av. Morelos. Para MMG en cambio sólo hay tres años y no creo que le alcance el tiempo para aprender la lección.

Lo único que actualmente le interesa a la gente es que se solucione el caso de dicha avenida y que no se haga más grande. Que los partidos no lo tomen como zona de combate con objetivos electorales y que entre la cordura en alguno de los actores políticos morelenses. Porque lo que es un hecho, is that this can not continue like this ...

If you have any comments or complaints send an email to @ or comment directly on this post.

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